Sleazy Pizza

A saucy new pizza restaurant in the heart of Shoreditch.

We were approached by The Truman Brewery team to create a new pizza brand for a vacant restaurant unit within their East London complex.

After several research and consultation sessions with the team we came up with a concept that would take design influences from vintage erotica, modern day mascot illustrations and incorporate pun-tastic copy in to what would eventually become the deliciously naughty Sleazy Pizza brand.

As featured in Mascot by Counterprint Books.

The Sleazy Pizza project allowed us to fully flex our creative muscle and developed into an extensive branding job. The final deliverables included a whole range of pizza restaurant assets such as bespoke printed pink pizza boxes, branded grease proof paper, loyalty cards and menus.

We also contributed to the interior design with a ripped poster feature wall to serve as a branded backdrop for clientele instagram photos. Giant neon renditions of our logo and pizza characters adorned the windows and bathed customers in pink light while large scale menu signage above the main counter gave customers a sleazy pun-filled ordering experience.

Finally what pizza restaurant design job would be complete without some bold merchandise? A new collection now sits proudly above the till and is available for purchase in store while you wait for your saucy slices.

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